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With our architectural, design and 3d printing background, we are able to design and produce a variety of 3d printed items in a range of materials. Not only have we designed our own custom jewellery and sell these on online platforms such as Etsy, but we've also produced 3d printed models for architects, converted logo's into cufflinks and even designed and printed wall hanging planter boxes.


To see a few examples of printed items, scroll down on this page.


We can print a range of colours in polylactide (PLA) or a blended filament containing 20% PLA and 80% dust particles of a range of metals such as stainless steel, copper, bronze and brass. These blended filaments lean themselves very nicely to creating metal-like objects which we prefer to use for jewellery design.


We have lots of experience in advanced 3d modeling software packages and have the know-how to create any form or shape that you may fancy. We can help you realising that perfect gift, or make something truly unique that only you would have.


Got an idea but don't know how to bring it to life? Get in touch with us and we can check if we can help you.

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