3dhals is the 3d printing branch of the architecture company studiohals (www.studiohals.com). Lead by architect Tom Hals, 3dhals started as a hobby within the architecture company but quickly evolved to a useful addition to any architectural project we work on. It's becoming an essential tool in the architecture field and we have received great feedback from our clients.
We love design and technology. While architecture gives us the satisfaction of blending design with technology, so does 3d printing. But 3d printing offers this at a much faster pace. We love being creative and use our design background to create unique 3d printed pieces.
We're passionate about exploring new things and have tested a range of materials with 3d printing. We can print objects in polylactide (PLA) and various other blended materials. Blended filaments usually contain 20% PLA and 80% dust particles from a range of materials such as wood, stainless steel, copper, bronze and brass. These blended metal filaments lean themselves very nicely to creating metal-like objects which we prefer to use for jewellery design.
Not only do we offer architectural models and jewellery items, we also offer 3d modelling services and consultancy for 3d printing. We have worked together with artists, architects, engineers and other individuals to consult and create their wishes in 3d and eventually in a 3d print. Have a look at our gallery and let us know if you'd like our help in the world of design and 3d printing.
Below are a few of our clients we have worked with.

A studiohals designed bangle